Floss McCarty’s Raisin Sauce

Every year at Easter, my Mom would make roast ham (gammon) with mashed potatoes and some sort of green vegetable. It sounds a bit dull, but it really wasn’t. Especially when the smoky roasty taste of the ham was enhanced by Mom’s special raisin sauce. And since I met ThermoHubby John and was welcomed into his family, my dear sister-in-law Trina now makes my Mom’s raisin sauce to go with the Christmas gammon joint. Delicious! And so very kind of Trina to include something of my family’s traditions in our new extended family tradition. Thanks, Trina!

Floss McCarty's Raisin Sauce
2015-12-17 07:32:17
Serves 8
A somewhat sweet way to jazz up a joint of gammon or a roast ham. Gives texture and spice. Try it according to this recipe and then turn the leftovers into a pseudo chutney by adding your favourite curry spices. Bon appétit !
Prep Time
2 min
Cook Time
5 min
Total Time
7 min
- 1 jar of clear apple or quince jelly
- 2 handfuls of raisins or sultanas (about 50 g)
- 1/4 tsp cinnamon
Thermomix Method
- Place all ingredients in the bowl of the Thermomix and melt 5 minutes/90°C/Speed Spoon/Reverse Blade Function.
Traditional Method
- Place all ingredients in a small saucepan and melt over gentle heat, stirring constantly.
- Serve with roast gammon on Christmas day, Easter day, or any time. Leftover sauce can be transformed into a quick chutney to have with leftover turkey or chicken. Just add a tsp or so of your favourite curry powder and mix well. No waste !
Adapted from a home recipe by Florence E. McCarty
Adapted from a home recipe by Florence E. McCarty
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