Checklist for a Snowy Day: Thermomix Hot Chocolate

Winter has come early this year to Great Britain in general and to England in particular. Here in Surrey it is unheard of to have temperatures below zero Celsius in November and even more unusual to have snow — even if it is the 30th of November.
We wake to the quiet of snow-covered ground, the snow muffling the usual morning sound of traffic from the highway across the field from us. What traffic we do hear is going more slowly than usual up the hill, more evidence of snow and its exponential effects. My husband goes off to join the white waltz of neighbours brushing snow off their cars with makeshift tools. Here a dust brush, there a broom, somewhere else a too-short-handled squeegee. I reflect on the need to import snow-clearing implements from New England such as I used when growing up there; we don’t even have a proper snow shovel.
I am happy to stay indoors all morning but duty calls and the dogs need a walk. The thermometer reads -3 degrees Celsius and I shift into checklist mode. Thermal underwear? Check. Sweater? Check. Cardigan on top? Check. Flannel-lined chinos? Check. Heavy socks? Check. Snowproof hat? Check. Long winter coat with a cape at the shoulders? Check. Big furry mittens? Check.
Out we go into the white winter wonderland that has appeared prematurely this autumn. Billy and Molly romp and play, oblivious to the cold and warming themselves as they run circles around me. The distant sound of automatic gunfire reminds me that we live near the home of the British Army and I am content in the thought that I am hearing training exercises.
Yet something is amiss. Snow swirls around my face and tickles my nose. My feet are cold. Even my ankles are cold. But how can that be? My Wellington boots normally protect my ankles and feet from drafts and the cold…
Uh oh. I look down at where my Wellington boots are supposed to be and I see… my slippers!

It’s time to cut our walk short and try to cut my losses. Back at the house I want to change into dry socks and put on my slippers… ah, slight problem there. How about two pairs of socks, then? And a sojourn on the sofa under a thick fleece blanket, with a mug of hot chocolate warming my hands. Mmm good!
Thermomix Hot Chocolate
Recipe from “Fast and Easy Cooking” by Janie Turner
This is really delicious with a few sprinkles of spice on top, such as cinnamon and nutmeg. Great for getting into the Christmas spirit, too!
80 g dark chocolate, 70% cocoa solids, in pieces
1/2 tsp instant coffee (optional)
700 g milk
50 g sugar or to taste
1/2 tsp vanila extract (optional)
1 Tbsp double cream or crème fraiche
- Weigh the chocolate pieces into the Thermomix bowl and mix 10 seconds/Speed 6. Scrape down the sides of the bowl with the spatula.
- Insert the Butterfly Whisk and add all the other ingredients. Heat 8 minutes/90° C/Speed 2.
Sit back and enjoy!

Any excuse is good to make some luscious hot chocolate! Try it with a bit of cinnammon and nutmeg sprinkled on top — freshly ground in the Thermomix, of course! Cheers!
Silly Madame Thermomix! I’m a little tickled that you forgot your boots because it made for a great photo and lovely excuse for Hot Chocolate. This is one hot choc recipe I must try… You’ve just made it sound SO tempting that I have now added it to my list of recipes to try next on the blog. Merci Madame!