Thermomix Pasta Dough

It’s Sunday afternoon and we’ve just come back from a lovely walk in the Forêt de Saint-Germain outside of Paris. I spy a bag of “00” durum wheat flour in the cupboard and decide to make some fresh pasta for dinner. ThermoHubby John heartily approves so I reach for my well-used, dog-eared (and dog-chewed!) copy of Fast and Easy Cooking and turn to the recipe for pasta dough. Ah. One slight problem, the recipe calls for 3 eggs and I only have two. This is France and supermarkets and most other stores are rarely open on Sunday, plus we’ve just gotten back and I really don’t fancy going out just for one measly egg. What to do?
Enter Google (as usual). I googled “how much flour per egg for pasta” and came up with 1 egg per 100 g of “00” flour, which is exactly the proportions used in the F&E recipe. Even Jamie Oliver’s larger-quantity recipe calls for 6 eggs and 600 g flour, so I figure I can’t go wrong with 2 eggs and 200 g of flour.
From here on it continues to be straight sailing, and in much less than 5 minutes I had a lovely, golden, soft disc of fresh pasta dough resting in my refrigerator. With Thermomix at the wheel, it’s so very fast and easy to make pasta dough, I don’t know why I don’t do it more often. Well, yes I do. It’s my hips that keep me from making pasta too often, as it goes straight to them when I do 😉

Thermomix Pasta Dough
Recipe from Fast and Easy Cooking, the 300-recipe cookbook included with every Thermomix TM31 purchased from Thermomix UK. Director Janie Turner says, “This excellent home-made pasta dough is one of the reasons that the Thermomix (known as the Bimby in Italy and Portugal) is so popular in Italy. Think of using Thermomix for perfect kneading – all bread doughs, pastry, shortbread, kebab mixtures, etc.”
3 large eggs or 6 egg yolks from large eggs
300 g pasta flour – gluten level “00”
1 tsp. olive oil
- Put all the ingredients in the TM bowl. Mix 30 seconds/Speed 6.
- If it still looks like small very dry crumbs (common with organic flours), add water 1 tsp. at a time while mixing at Speed 6 until it begins to form larger crumbs (about 2mm size).
- Knead 1 ½ minutes/Dough Setting. Press together and wrap the dough in cling film in a flat disc about the width of your pasta machine. Leave to rest 15 to 30 minutes in the fridge before rolling out.
Delicious served with Madame Thermomix’s basil pesto, rocket pesto or wild garlic pesto.

Buon appetito !
Hi Jill! Yes, you can roll your Thermomix pasta dough with a rolling pin. Divide it into small blobs and roll it as thin as you can. Use a knife and a straight edge of some sort – even the edge of a baking tray – to cut spaghetti, linguine, tagliatelle, fettucine etc. Or cut squares or rounds with a knife or a cookie cutter to make ravioli. Just start with a small piece of dough each time so you don’t get tempted to stop rolling because you’ve covered your board 😉
Bon appétit with Thermomix and Why is There Air!
I’ve been meaning to make pasta dough for ages to make lasagne for ages! But I don’t have a pasta machine, do you think I could roll it with a rolling pin?
You’re right on all counts, Nora. Totally satisfying to make the dough in a jiffy and then work it as you wish. Sauces and fillings and even just grated Parmesan are all so fast and easy in your Thermomix 🙂
There is something especially satisfying in making your own pasta dough. Just love making ravioli, it’s so yummy and you can really get creative on the fillings. Thermomix does a great job at doing both!