Gourmesso Nespresso®-compatible coffee capsule review

Having lived in England with an English husband for nearly ten years, I have been converted from the French-style “bowl” of filter coffee in the morning to a steaming cup of strong tea – especially enjoyable when ThermoHubby John brings it to me in bed! Both of us do enjoy a good-quality cup of coffee now and then, but we found we were wasting coffee by throwing out most of even the smallest pot we would make. Enter Nespresso® and their ingenious system of one capsule/one cup of coffee. We invested in our first Nespresso® machine nearly ten years ago and haven’t looked back since. Excellent coffee, always fresh, and only the amount we need. No more waste!
Nespresso® capsules are of the highest quality, but they do come at a price. Ranging from £0.29 to £0.35 per capsule at the time of writing, Nespresso® capsules provide us with delicious coffee that’s perfect for the amount of coffee we drink. Just yesterday I received some samples of Gourmesso coffee capsules to try in my Nespresso® machine. Gourmesso offers 16 different compatible Nespresso® capsules ranging from £0.21 to£0.25 so I was curious to see how a lower-cost capsule would deliver on flavour. I agreed to try them and let you know what I think about them, so ThermoHubby John and I did a blind tasting, comparing similar Gourmesso and Nespresso® capsules.

Both Gourmesso and Nespresso® capsules have flavour intensity scales, with most fitting in between 1 and 10. Gourmesso capsules are wrapped up like little candies in individual foil pouches, which release a delightful coffee aroma as you open the pouch. The capsule itself is made of plastic with a beautiful swirl of tiny holes in the bottom, and it fit perfectly into my Nespresso® machine. We first compared two intensity 10 capsules. Both capsules made a nice crema on top and produced a liquid with a deep, coffee colour. At intensity level 10, Nespresso® won easily for its more intense aroma and flavour.
We then blind tasted an intensity level 7 coffee, and the comparison was harder to make. The Gourmesso coffee was balanced and fruity, although the Nespresso® coffee was more intense. ThermoHubby John called this one a draw.

Not a bad result for Gourmesso, then. I brewed the coffee the same way for each cup, and even though I knew which was which, I personally felt that the Nespresso® coffees were more to my taste as I like really robust, strong, almost “thick” coffee. If you’re a coffee drinker looking for a nice cup of java at a reasonable price, go ahead and give Gourmesso a try. They offer a lungo and a coffee blend that combines Fairtrade and Organic, they’re really friendly and you can order on the web or by phone. There’s one little oops! however: their website says they “offer free shipping within the UK for all orders” in one place and “free shipping from £40.00” in the header. I placed a dummy order under £40 and it did generate a shipping charge. I’m sure Gourmesso will clarify this really quickly, as they do seem very keen on providing excellent customer service.
+49 (0)30 64 49 63 93 (Mon–Fri, 9 a.m.–6 p.m.)
Bon appétit !
Sponsored post; all opinions expressed herein are the author’s only.
Read my other Nespresso®-compatible coffee capsule reviews here.
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