Lazy Sugar-free Virgin Mojito

Here’s how I invented my latest Thermomix recipe for a delicious Virgin Mojito! We came home at about 6 pm from a lovely 2nd of January dog walk on the beach at Saint-Georges-de-Didonne on the SW coast of France. And since every year we do “Dry January” and consume no alcohol for the month, when we got home I was definitely in the mood for something other than a glass of water 😉

So off I went to the fridge to scrounge around for a bit. I found 2 limes, a bottle of sparkling water, and a few sprigs of fresh mint. Lovely! I can make a Mojito! Oh no, it’s got rum in it. Oh yes, I can make a Virgin Mojito! Oh no, ThermoHubby John wants us to reduce our sugar consumption. Oh yes, I can use some Stevia!
After all this time cogitating, I really wanted to quickly sit down with a glass in my hand. The classic recipe has several steps and we all know that Madame Thermomix likes to take shortcuts 😉 So I got all my ingredients together, I chucked them all into my Thermomix bowl, and voilà! The Lazy Sugar-Free Virgin Mojito was born!

- Thermomix TM31, TM5 or TM6
- 2 large cocktail glasses
- 2 limes cut into quarters
- 250 g ice cubes
- 1 or 2 g Stevia or other sweetener
- 2 sprigs fresh mint leaves only
- 250 g sparkling water
- Add your lime quarters, ice cubes, mint leaves and Stevia or other sweetener to your Thermomix bowl and mix 10 seconds/Speed 7. Scrape down sides of bowl with spatula and mix again 10 seconds/Speed 5. Share this colourful crushed ice between your glasses and top up with sparkling water.

And now, just for laughs, I’ll let you in on a secret. You see, while we were walking along the beach I wasn’t paying too much attention to the wind and the waves. And when I was trying to get one of my dogs to come into the water, I got rather splashed by a wave – twice even!!

And since today is January 2nd, 2022, Madame Thermomix would like to wish all of you a happy and especially healthy New Year, full of good things created in your Thermomix ?