Dead Easy Bolognaise Sauce

Spaghetti Bolognaise, or Spag Bol to its intimates, is a favourite dish around the world – and especially with Thermomix owners because it is so fast and easy to make in our Best Friend in the Kitchen. Everyone seems to have their own version with varying ingredients and varying complexity of cooking procedures like Kirrin’s Kitchen’s idea to keep the mince nice and chunky by cooking it in the internal steamer basket. Well, mostly because I would eat Spag Bol by the bucketful if I were left to my own devices and desires, I don’t make it too often. This Saturday lunchtime was an exception. Spaghetti Bolognaise was the perfect lunchtime treat. I scrounged around the fridge and the cupboard, grabbed what I had to hand, and came up with this very tasty, super fast and Dead Easy Bolognaise Sauce recipe.

Dead Easy Bolognaise Sauce
This recipe will work with pretty much whatever mince you have to hand such as beef, pork, chicken, turkey or veal, or a mixture of any of these. Don’t break up the block of meat, let the Thermomix do it for you and your mince will be chunkier. I used only basic aromatic vegetables (onion and garlic) but you can also add things like celery and carrot to lighten it up, hide some vegetables for the kids, and add more depth of flavour. One ingredient my Mom always used is tomato paste or tomato puree. It adds a more intense tomato flavour as well as a bit of thickness. You can be a purist and use fresh tomatoes or be practical and use a tin. Whole peeled tomatoes yield a chunkier sauce than crushed tomatoes, but both are great. So open up the fridge and the cupboards, grab some likely ingredients, and go to town!
2 cloves garlic, peeled (or more to taste!)
1 large onion, halved
1 red or green pepper/capiscum
15 g olive oil or any other cooking oil you have to hand
400 g minced beef (I used 5% lean and it was gorgeous; 15% and 20% work as well)
400 g whole peeled tinned tomatoes, (if you’ve got crushed toms they’re fine, too)
30 g tomato paste/puree
½ tsp. dried or 1 tsp. fresh herbs (such as rosemary, oregano, parsley, mixed herbs, herbes de provence, or again whatever you have to hand)
½ tsp. salt or to taste
¼ tsp. freshly ground pepper or to taste

- If required, peel your garlic in the Thermomix, 4 seconds/Reverse Blade Function/Speed 4 ½. Remove skins and leave cloves in bowl. Add onion, pepper/capiscum and oil and chop 2 seconds/Speed 5. Scrape sides of TM bowl with spatula.
- Sauté 5 minutes/100° C/Reverse Blade Function/Speed 1.
- Add mince to bowl (no need to break it up) and remaining ingredients. Cook 10 minutes/100° C/Reverse Blade Function/Speed Spoon/Measuring Cup off. Place the internal steaming basket on the lid of your Thermomix to stop spatters.
Voilà. Bolognaise Sauce. That was dead easy, wasn’t it?
Serve over fresh Thermomix pasta or make lasagne. You can use this sauce for a quick Moussaka, too, or spoon it over grilled aubergines for an easy treat. My Thermomix just whipped me up some polenta while I was editing this blog post, and golly is it gorgeous with Bolognaise Sauce on top!
Now there’s one thing I’ve not yet done, and that’s cook my dried spaghetti in the Thermomix. I’ve seen video clips of this for the TM31, and here’s Thermomix UK’s video of pesto and pasta in the TM5. I admit I cooked the pasta on the stovetop while the Bolognaise was cooking in the Thermomix. Next time I’ll be brave and cook my dried past in my trusty Thermomix 😉
There must be hundreds of other ways to serve it. How do you like to serve your Bolognaise Sauce?
Bon appétit !
Cheers, Nora! Yes I’m discovering the features of my new TM5. Never fear, all my recipes so far remain valid for both the TM31 and the TM5. Happy Thermomix cooking!
One of the staples of Italian cooking, and you showed us perfectly how easy it is to make with Thermomix. I see you are enjoying your new TM5!