Graceful Bread

It’s Friday morning, my head is wrapped around a hundred emails, phone calls and new tasks for my Thermomix business, I’m stressed, and the doorbell rings. I’ve lost track of time and realise that it’s my lovely cleaning lady come to give my home a white tornado treatment. As I open the door I remember that it’s school holidays now, so I am blessed with the presence not only of my cleaning lady but also of her daughter. Harley and Billy love playing with children, and Harley is especially pleased to see her.
However, as children go, this little girl is a cheeky combination of wide-eyed wonderment, innocence and frankness. No sooner has she removed her coat than she asked, “Jane, do you remember my favourite loaf of bread that you make me?” “Yes, I remember.” “Can we make some more today, please?”
Instant stress cure! Making bread in my Thermomix with a little girl is a wonderful way to relax and put things back in perspective. And Thermomix is full of safety features making Thermomix cooking very child-friendly.
So off we go into bread-making land! I use the standard recipe from “Fast and Easy Cooking,” the 300-recipe cookery book included with the purchase of every Thermomix TM31 purchased from UK Thermomix – 400 g flour, 200 g water, 50 g olive oil, yeast and salt – which is beautifully reliable. My little helper presses the weighing scales button, helps me decide when we’ve weighed in enough ingredients, and turns the speed dial. We’re happy bread makers!

And our efforts have yielded a lovely result, don’t you think?
Bon appétit !