Mornings are Plum Gorgeous: Plum Jam

It’s morning again, and That Cat has awakened me with a start by jumping onto my full bladder. As I rush to the toilet she does the same to my husband, so now there’s a queue for the loo. Cups of tea in hand, I climb back up the stairs and into bed, to find my husband in his new habitual stance: playing with his iPad. He loves that thing and every weekend morning he lays in bed sipping his tea and playing with Google Earth. So much for rumpy pumpy.
But I suppose we are a modern couple, because I too lay in bed but with my netbook on my lap, writing blog posts and editing photos. That is, until That Cat climbs into my lap and wedges herself in between my face and my netbook. I try in vain to type one handed, or reach around her and try to see the keyboard (sorry, I’m no good at touch typing) and end up with her tail in my mouth. That’s when she decides that I should be stroking her instead of blogging and smacks me in the face with her paw. It’s just a gentle smack, but That Cat is a rather determined feline and she continues smacking my chin or whatever part of my face she can reach at the time until I pay attention to her and give her a stroke or two. Or three. Or four, if she’s really insistent.
This of course reminds me that my husband should be stroking me instead of playing with his iPad, so I throw That Cat, the netbook and the iPad off the bed and get down to some proper morning business…

It’s plum time again. The trees in Tongham Wood are so heavily laden this year with plums of all colours that the branches are breaking under the weight. Everywhere you look there are red, yellow and dark purple orbs shining sensuously at you between the leaves.

My Thermomix has been busy churning out plum jams of various flavours and today alone I made 2 dozens jars of the stuff. Victoria Plum with Star Anise and Mirabelle with Ginger. Yummy!
I have to say that once again I amazed at how much time and effort my Thermomix saves me. Making jam in the Thermomix TM31 is so easy it’s like making a cup of tea: just plonk the stoned plums into the bowl; blend ten seconds into a puree; add sugar and blend another ten seconds; and then let it cook (in the same bowl of course) about 15 minutes until it sets. And presto! Beautiful plum jam!
Bon appétit !

Thanks for your comment, Jeanette! Making jam in the Thermomix TM31 is so easy it’s like making a cup of tea: just plonk the stoned plums into the bowl; blend ten seconds into a puree; add sugar and blend another ten seconds; and then let it cook (in the same bowl of course) about 15 minutes until it sets. And presto! Beautiful plum jam!
So yes, you do remove the stones and there are two ways to do this: either by hand, or by using your Reverse Blade Function:
UK Thermomix Director Janie Turner once told me a neat little trick for stoning plums the Thermomix way. Simply load your bowl with washed, whole plums and set them to cook 8 minutes/100° C/Reverse Blade Function, then strain them through the Internal Steamer Basket/Simmering Basket, and you’re ready to continue cooking your jam. See more on this here:
Thanks for reading Why Is There Air!
do you take out the stones? Would love to give this ago
Thank you Jeanette australia
Thanks, Tenina! Your blog is full of interesting recipes for the Thermomix too and I recommend a visit. Love your titles but some of them are real groaners! Keep up the good work.
Your jam looks terrific…love that Thermomix…makes us all pros! Beautiful pics!
I have a wonderful Thermomix recipe for plum tart I can send you! Sorry I missed you at the Apéro-Blog in London. Speak to you soon!
The only thing I want to do after reading your post: bake a plum tart!
Gorgeous colours! What a wonderful alliance, plum with Star Anise…