Judy Evans is a registered naturopathic practitioner who specialises in natural hormone balancing. She is available for full consultations or just a brief chat. For safe and effective natural hormone therapy, please contact Judy on the following form, or call the number below for further information.
If you would like to use Unique Organics cream as a supplement, it is vitally important to use a good quality, organic cream which contains the purest, American-made, USP ingredients. Also, it is essential that the base ingredients are GMO-free, Petro-chemical-free and are formulated to furnish you with the most efficient and effective transporter qualities.
Unique is one of the best quality and least expensive creams available. They are dispatched in set of three tubes with free shipping and handling. The expected delivery times are 2 – 3 weeks (one tube should last approximately 2 – 3 months).
Each 1/8 teaspoon application contains 15 mg of body identical progesterone, a level which parallels your body’s normal, healthy progesterone production.
Apply 1/8 of a teaspoon twice daily, approximately 12 hours apart, only to freshly bathed skin, according to your menstrual status.
Judy can be contacted on the form below or telephone for further information
Nature’s Healing
Judy Evans, ND, Dip. Herb, MANP, MURHP
Naturopathic Practitioner and Medical Herbalist
‘Specialises in natural hormone therapy’
Contact Judy